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Streets of Pondicherry - Part I: Art

New Settlement. That is Pudicheri for you. Interpreted into Pondicherry by and for the French.

From the Romans who came here to trade in the 1st century AD to the Portuguese who returned in 1521 to trade in textiles, Pondicherry has had a colourful legacy. Not the Pallavas, Cholas, Pandyas, Sangamas or the Mughals; not even the Dutch or British could lay claim to this town. It has and will always be French.

Atleast  as Tamil as it can get, but with a constant presence of its French past.

The historical richness of this town comes to life in its Art & Architecture. A lingering shadow of its European past in its every street.

So, come walk with me.

A leisurely stroll through the streets of Pondicherry, as you discover yet another piece of Urban Art, just around the corner.

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To be continued in Streets of Pondicherry - Part II: Architecture  More on Pondicherry: Pondicherry, Racist much?